Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Where It Always Feels Like Home

There are special places to all of us - places that evoke happy memories and milestones in our lives. Somehow, returning to these places always feels like coming home in some way. Anytime I find myself around the upper left corner of SC (also known as "God's Country"), I tend to find a way or reason to end up in Clemson.  This week I've been on a rotation in Greenville, and before I knew it or thought twice, I find myself in Clemson on this random Wednesday in February.  Even though there is no football game to anticipate, I still had butterflies of happy anticipation in my stomach as I rode the gentle hills of 123 on my way to Tiger Town.  The trees are bare, the sky is blue, the air is crisp - and every bit of it is a sweet medicine to my soul.  To take a break and sit in the Carillon Garden in the midst of a long and tiring week is rejuvenating in the deep part of my being.

No matter where I live, coming here will feel like coming home.  I will not say that my time here was the "best years" of my life - because I hope and pray that those years are yet to come. But still, these were some of the sweetest, happiest, and most life changing years. This is where I became an adult, fell in love, spent the first months of married life, and made life long friends.  This is where my parents met also, so in so many ways, my life would be radically different (or maybe I wouldn't exist) if Clemson didn't exist.

So for those people who think my family and I are crazy about loving a place so much (aka - you Floridians), maybe this post will help you understand a little bit more why myself and all three siblings came up here for school, why my parents will drive 9 hours to spend a weekend here, and why the blood in my family will always run orange. Go Tigers!

Friday, February 22, 2013


You know how I mentioned a few posts ago that we have been busy lately? Well, this is one of the reasons - we closed on our first home today! We are so excited and feel abundantly blessed.

Friday, February 15, 2013


The heaven's declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

This was the yesterday's sunset.  I am going to miss this place.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love and Red Velvet

Happy Valentine's Day.  Although I find myself alone today (hubby is in Greenville for a rotation), I am feeling so loved!  So loved by my heavenly Father and by Jesus.  Last night, I was studying the first chapter of Revelation, which sparked this wonder at God's love for me:
"...To (Jesus Christ) who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen." Revelation 1:5-6
How glorious is Christ's infinite love:
"In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.  In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be a propitiation for our sins." I John 4:9-10
In showing his love for us, God did not even spare his own Son (Rom 8:32).  This is the gospel and it is so glorious!  Of course, this brings a Tim Keller quote to mind ;-)
"But the gospel transforms us so our self-understanding is no longer based on our performance in life.  We are so evil and sinful and flawed that Jesus had to die for us.  We are so lost that nothing less than the death of the divine Son of God could save us.  But we are so loved and valued that he was willing to die for us. The Lord of the universe loved us enough to do that!  So the gospel humbles us into the dust and at the very same time exalts us to the heavens.  We are sinners but completely loved and accepted in Christ at the same time." (Tim Keller, The Meaning of Marriage, pg 166)

Whether you are single, dating, or married; lonely, or around people too much - it is this amazing truth of the gospel that provides meaningful and eternal joy, peace, and contentment no matter what situation or trial you face.  Run to Jesus, cling to the cross, and find your ultimate fulfillment in Christ.


... And now for a slight change in topic, we have red velvet white chocolate chip cookies!  I got the recipe straight from here (via Pinterest), no alterations.  I made a batch last weekend for hubby to take to Greenville (red velvet is his favorite), and then made more yesterday for my special local valentines here at home.

They are delicious - just the right combination of soft and chewy and chocolatey!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Book Review: The Meaning of Marriage

Our intention for our blog is to be a little more balanced, not just blogging about food :)  And hopefully Bryan will chime in at some point!  So to begin that diversity, this is the first of (hopefully) many book reviews!  And since Valentine's Day is this week, how fitting that this book is on marriage.

I have just finished The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller.  It is the best book on marriage I have read.  From a recent newlywed's point of view, I think that many marriage books are more beneficial after at least a year of marriage.  However, this book has wonderful application and insight for engaged couples, newlyweds, or veterans (to clarify: I am not calling myself a veteran of marriage, I'm still a newlywed right?!?)

The outline: Keller uses Ephesians 5:18-33 as the framework for the book.  Each chapter takes a few verses from that well known passage on marriage and fleshes it out with much wisdom and grace.

Some of my favorite points:
  • Society's view of marriage: In chapter 1, Keller unpacks how the attitude toward marriage has evolved and our society's views of marriage.  He talks about our "Pessimistic Idealism" toward marriage.  In essence, we want marriage to be all about me - for my benefit, convenient to me, someone who understands and accepts me as I am and doesn't place any demands on me to change, someone who will fulfill all my needs.  So, in looking for our perfect "soul mate", we have set up unrealistic expectations that no human could meet.  This results in pessimism in every finding the "perfect person".  Therefore, marriage is often put off or given up altogether.
  • The Mission for Marriage: This is the title of chapter 4. Keller discusses friendship, where real friendship can be defined as possessing constancy & transparency ("Real friends always let you in, and never let you down").  In Christ, we can add Christian friendship to that, which results in spiritual transparency (honesty about our sins and lovingly point out our spouses sins) and spiritual constancy (we bear each other's burdens).  Spiritual friendship is not just common likes and interests, but is people on the same journey in life as we look forward to heaven, where we will be glorified.  In marriage, we add the power of romantic love to Christian friendship, which makes it the richest of all relationships.  See the third quote below ("What, then is marriage for...") to wrap up the essence of the message. It's a powerful chapter!
  • My role: Chapter 6 addresses gender roles, which can be a touchy subject.  Women - check this out! In Genesis 2:18, Eve is called "a helper suitable for (Adam)".  The Hebrew word for helper here is 'ezer, which is best translated "helper-companion".  Ok, so what?  Well, other uses of this word in the bible frequently refer to military help, especially as reinforcements which are required to win the battle.  All other uses of the word 'ezer refer to God himself!  This is such an encouragement to me - I'm not just a helper to my husband, I am vital aid, reinforcements, that he needs to win his battles!  What a noble calling.
Favorite quotes:
  • "Whether we are husband or wife, we are not to live for ourselves but for the other. And that is the hardest yet single most important function of being a husband or wife in marriage" (Ch 2, pg 53)
  • "To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us." (Ch 3, pg 95)
  • "What, then, is marriage for? It is the helping each other to become our future glory-selves, the new creations that God will eventually make us. The common horizon husband and wife look toward is the Throne, and the holy spotless, and blameless nature we will have.... Each spouse then should give him- or herself to be a vehicle for that work and envision the day that you will stand together before God, seeing each other presented in spotless beauty and glory." (Ch 4, pgs 120-1)
The challenge:
  • Singles: Because the purpose or mission for marriage is not happiness or self-fulfillment, this changes everything in how you approach dating and looking for a spouse (in fact, there is an entire chapter devoted to Singles).  The mission of marriage is to present your spouse blameless before the Throne - therefore you aren't looking necessarily for the "perfect person" but for someone who will, through the power of the Holy Spirit, be transformed year after year to look more like Christ.
  • Sinning against my spouse: "The one person in the whole world who holds your heart in her hand, whose approval and affirmation you most long for and need, is the one who is hurt more deeply by your sin than anyone else on the planet." (Ch 5, pg 162)
  • Gender roles: Both husband and wife are to emulate Christ in our roles. The wife is to pattern her submission after Christ's submission to the Father (see Philippians 2) - "submission in marriage is a gift I offer (out of love), not a duty coerced from me" (Ch 6, pg 175).  The husband is to pattern his headship after Christ's servant leadership (see John 13) - "authority and leadership mean that you become the servant, you die to self in order to love and serve the Other" (Ch 6, pg 177).
I highly recommend this book - it will make you think, it will convict you, it will encourage you.  What an awesome thought that the mission of my marriage isn't simply to have some kids, keep a nice house, have a good career, and tell people about Jesus some... but that our goal in marriage is to help each other become like Christ on this earth as we minister to those around us, and then ultimately to present each other before the Throne holy and blameless.

I may be biased, because I do love Tim Keller (hmm, did I mention that our dog is named Keller?).  But seriously, no matter how long you have been married, read this book - I promise it will be a refreshment to your marriage!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Weeknight Quickie... Meal, that is: Sausage Ragu

I made this recipe 2 weeks ago, have had this blog post in my head for 1 week, and am just now getting around to putting my good intentions into action.  We've been a bit busy recently (will share more on that later).

Weeknight meals - they can make or break you... more often than not I feel like they break me.  Oh sure we eat most weekday dinners at home, but as to their being quick on the clock, easy on the budget, healthy to the body, and savory to the taste buds - now accomplishing that is a whole other ball game.  Anytime I find a recipe that even accomplishes 2 of those things, it's a keeper.

This recipe, Fast-and-Fresh Sausage Ragu, is directly from the pages of the February Southern Living.  It has all the qualities listed above.  So enjoy (we sure have for 2 weeks in a row)!