Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Projects

It's been a good day for projects, spending time together, visiting with friends, lovin' up on our sweet dog (who just loves to help us out with yard projects).  We are thankful today for the freedom we enjoy and for the sacrifices of so many to protect our country.  As they say, freedom isn't free, the high price should make us ever grateful of the blessing we have in the USA.

Demolition of extra concrete.  One day, this area will be a beautiful garden and grassy backyard (hopefully!).  Step 1: Digging up concrete
But... unable to take it to the dump, because they were closed.  So this project is in process :-)

Our first garden!!!
And our faithful overseer :-)

Bryan's parents tackelled a little project of their own, unlike us they finish what they start!  Looks awesome.  Hydrangea to grow up their beautiful trellis.

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