Friday, December 21, 2012

A Humble Beginning

Here we go - Bryan and Jeanette are joining the world of blogging.  This blog was never supposed to happen.  Then it became a joke... I would put together a particularly savory meal or we would make a craft project or take a beautiful picture, and we would say - "We should put this on our blog".

Yesterday was our 4th wedding anniversary, and of course there was much reminiscing over the past 4 years, plus anticipation for and dreaming about the future.  This brought us back to the idea of a blog as an opportunity for both us to document life.  We want a place to record our journey through life as a couple and (hopefully one day) as a family, even if we are the only people who ever bother to read or enjoy this blog.

This leads us to our title - our desire is that each day we can look back at the end of the day and feel like we have grown deeper - deeper in our knowledge of God, love for each other, and appreciation for this wonderful world the Lord has made.  In addition, a spiritual theme for us recently has been the concept of work.  Specifically that work is not only a good thing (i.e. God worked and gave man work before the Fall and sin), and that all areas of life are in some aspect work - job, parenthood, marriage, church.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.  Colossians 3:23

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.  I Corinthians 10:31

So, as we go about our various "work" tasks that we are called to, we want to document what we experience and learn.  Our hope is that through what we post - whether it is a recipe, great book we just read, project, photograph, or personal struggle or victory - that our words would point to Christ, and that each and every day, we end it deeper in love with our Savior.